Theatre Resume

Resume posted by Jackson.01kya in Theatre.
Desired salary: $
Desired position type: Any
Location: Glendale Arizona, United States

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I am a junior currently attending ASU west studying Interdisciplinary Arts and Performance. I bring a fresh and unique taste to the modern day storytelling.


Arizona State University West Campus, Glendale, AZ — Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
August 2020 – Present
Majoring in Interdisciplinary Arts and Performance Candidate (Expected graduation May 2024)

Palo Verde High School, Las Vegas, NV — Honors Diploma
August 2016 – May 2020
Graduated with a 3.2 GPA (unweighted)


I have performed in 7 different productions as displayed in my resume. I have also assisted in direction in 2 more plays one being a musical. In between those two productions I also took a chance and directed my own one act play on my own.

During these shows where I directed I was also monitoring costuming and applying makeup on our actors come show night.

As a last note I also have plenty of experience in ushering and concession stands.


  • Stage Combat
  • Period Fencing
  • Sword Fighting
  • Body control / movement


    ambition, Creativity, Directing, management, Organization, Public Speaking, Punctuation, Resourcefulness

Spoken Languages

Free Resume Listing #71305

Theatre Resume Resume

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