

Free Resume Posting

Are you an job-seeker? Post your resume free of charge! (United States and Canada)

Job Posting Packages 2024 

List of job submission prices and current job posting packages for employers, job posters and recruitment agencies.
30 days / 60 days / 90 days single job submission. Multi job packs. Unlimited Job Posting plan.
1 free job submission pack with reciprocal link to ART JOBS.

Job posting Promo Codes – October 2024

Would you like to post your job openings to ART JOBS?
You may find useful our promo codes to save on your job submission.

How to Post a Job to ART JOBS

Would you like to advertise your new job openings on ART JOBS?
This article will guide you thru the simple process of creating your free account and submitting a job to ART JOBS website:
Job posting step by step  ➤

ART JOBS on Social Media

We share jobs published on ART JOBS with thousands users on social media.
You are welcome to follow us on facebook, linkedin and twitter

Non profit jobs in Arts and Culture

Non-profit jobs in the arts and culture sector include positions in museums, galleries, orchestras, theaters, art centers and other cultural organizations.

About us

ART JOBS is a dedicated website that provides job listings for professionals in the arts and creative industries. The site allows job seekers and employers to connect and find the perfect match for their needs through a comprehensive and user-friendly platform…

New Job Site:

ART JOBS in the United States

We have got a new domain/job site to connect job-seekers and employers from the United States.

ART SEARCH Directory

Submit free listing to art directory
ARTSEARCH, online directory of artists, galleries, art services, and educational resources devoted to the arts.
Artist and arts institutions are welcome to create their free directory listings.


Older Articles

Job posting in the United States

➤ Job posting info for employers and job posters

➤ Employers
Growing list of our new clients – employers, job posters, employment agencies.

➤ Link to ART JOBS
Examples how to link your website to ART JOBS site.

➤ New jobs in Arts an Culture
New jobs listed on ART JOBS website.

➤ The best Art Museums in the United States
List of the best US Art Museums.

➤ Art Museum submissions
Submit a museum to be listed on ART JOBS website.


Privacy Policy


ART JOBS: Online Services for Employers, Job Posters and Employment Agencies.