Nathans Theatrical resume

Resume posted by Nathanalexanderdesigns in Theatre.
Desired salary: $60.00
Desired position type: Any
Location: Los Angeles California, United States

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Hello! Im Nathan and Im a passionate Maker. I love to design and create art. My background is in Props and I have 4 years of experience managing prop shops.


I have a Masters degree in Theatre arts. my GTA Included running the Prop Shop at the University of Nebraska Lincoln. I worked on every production during my time (2019-2022) and guided undergrads through building techniques and workflow strategies.

I also have a Bachelors degree in theatre arts that I received from the University of Northern Colorado and that is where I discovered my love for props. During my time here I paid my way through school doing work study in the prop shop, I worked on productions and even was a props lead and props designer for a few productions.


I worked for the Nebraska Reparatory theatre during my time in grad school In their props department. After I graduated I went to work for the Zachary Scott theatre In Austin Texas where I remained for about 2 years. In my time there I worked on 18 Productions as the Props Manager.


  • Printing
  • Modeling
  • Woodcraft
  • Metal fabrication
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Lightroom
  • Excel
  • Word
Free Resume Listing #98488

Nathans Theatrical resume Resume

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