Kaitlyn Comfort – Costume Technician
Availability: | Immediate |
Resume posted by Comfokai000
in Theatre.
Desired position type: Any
Location: San Marcos Texas, United States
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Contact Details
I am a costume technician with over 14 years of sewing experience, the last four of which extensively in costuming. Achieving my BFA in Costume Production at Texas State University prepared me for a fast paced environment. With experience in avant-garde designs I am familiar with constructing unique shapes in clothing as well as the modern and historical patterns. My experience also includes fabric dying; millinery; wig ventilation, styling and restoration; and leather work.
Free Resume Listing #82507
Kaitlyn Comfort – Costume Technician Resume
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Visual Arts Educator →
- Job Category
- Job Type
Spoken Languages
- American Sign Langage
- American Sign Language (intermediate)
- Basic French
- Basic Japanese
- Basic Spanish
- Conversational Spanish
- Engish
- English
- English (advanced)
- English (Fluent)
- English (native)
- English (native) German (native) French (B2) Spanish (A2)
- English and Spanish
- Farsi
- Fluent in English and French
- Fluent in Spanish
- French
- French (Advanced)
- French (intermediate)
- French Fluency
- German
- German (Limited Working Proficiency)
- Hebrew
- intermediate French
- Italian (native) Spanish B2 level certificate
- Japanese
- Japanese (Working Proficiency)
- Kurdish (native)
- LIberian Koloqua
- Native English Speaker
- Persian/Farsi (fluent)
- Portuguese
- Russian
- Russian (native)
- Some Italian
- Spanish
- Spanish (Basic)
- Spanish (intermediate).
- View all resumes
- Ableton
- abstract collages
- Academic Engagement
- Acting
- Adobe
- After Effects
- AI Integration
- ambition
- Art
- Art Curation
- art education
- artist management
- Artist Relations
- Artistic Director
- Arts
- Arts and culture
- Arts and Music Business
- arts management
- Attention to Detail
- B2B
- Backline Tech
- Behringer Sound Console
- Brand Development
- branding
- budgeting
- Business Development
- Business Networking
- Business Strategy
- Canva
- Catalog maintenance
- cataloguing
- Ceramics
- Coaching
- Collaboration
- communication
- Communications
- community arts
- Community Engagement
- Comparative Religion
- contemporary and art history
- content creation
- Content curation
- Contract Administration
- Contract Negotiatiobn
- Copyright Law
- Copywriter
- creative
- Creative Collaboration
- Creative Conceptualizing
- Creative Direction
- Creative placemaking
- Creative Problem Solving
- creative writing
- Creativity
- Crestron
- Cross-collaboration
- Curating and working with artists and curators
- Curator
- Curriculum development
- Curriculum Writing
- Customer Service
- Dance costumes
- data entry
- Database management
- design
- Design Skills
- Design thinking
- Detail Oriented
- Development
- Devising
- Digital Asset Management
- Digital Audio Workstation
- digital design
- Digital Marketing
- Directing
- diversity and inclusion
- Document Mangement
- documenting
- Donor Management
- Donor relations
- dramaturgy
- drawing
- Dropbox
- Drum Equipment Repair
- Drum Equipment Restoration
- Drum Technician
- editing
- Education
- Educational Program Development
- Embellishment
- Entertaiment
- Entertainment Law
- Equity
- Event Coordinating
- Event implementation
- Event Mangement
- Event Planning
- Excel
- Executive Director
- Exhibit writing and design
- exhibitions manangement
- fight choreography
- Film
- filming
- Finance
- graphic design
- Group collaboration
- History
- Illustrator
- improvisation
- independent work
- InDesign
- innovation
- Innovative Solutions
- installation
- instruction
- International Education
- large-scale public artworks
- Leadership
- Leadership development
- Leadership Skills
- Lesson Planning
- Library Archiving
- Live Audio Production
- Long-Term Projects
- management
- marketing
- Marketing strategy
- Materials Acquisition
- Media Relations
- Media Traffricking
- mentoring
- Midas Sound Console
- movement
- Multi-track recording
- Museums
- Music Composition
- music education
- Music Equipment Restoration
- Music Licensing
- Music performance
- Mysticism
- Nashville Number System
- Non-Profits
- Nonprofit development
- Nonprofit organizations
- operations
- Oral History
- Organization
- Organization Skills
- organizing
- original greeting cards
- painting
- paintings
- partnerships
- Percussion Equipment Maintenance
- Percussion Equipment Repair
- Percussion Technician
- Philosophy
- Photographic Editing
- Photography
- Photoshop
- Planning Center Online
- Playwriting
- Podcasting
- Post-production
- powerpoint
- printing
- Pro-Tools
- Problem-based learning
- problem-solving
- Production Management
- Program Development
- Program development and implementation
- project management
- Project Management and Logisitics
- project-based learning
- Promotional Materials
- Psychoanalysis
- psychology
- public art
- Public programming
- Public relations
- Public space
- Public Speaking
- Punctuation
- puppetry
- Reaper
- Recording Interfacing
- Recording Studio Engineering
- Research
- Researcher
- Resourcefulness
- retouching
- Safety Captain
- Scheduling
- Script editing
- Self-motivated
- Self-starter
- Sewing
- social media
- Sound reinforcement
- Sponsorship management
- Spreadsheets
- Stage combat
- Stage Mangement
- Stage run crew
- Stewardship
- stick shift driving
- Strategic planning
- strategic thinking
- Strengthening partnerships
- Strong Work Ethic
- Swimming
- Systems creation and evaluation
- Tactical urbanism
- Tascam Audio Products
- Teachable!
- Teaching
- Team Building
- Team building and management
- team leader
- Team Leading
- Team Management
- Team work
- teamwork
- Tech Savvy
- Technical Direction
- Technology
- Theater
- Theater Management
- Theater Rigging
- Theater Tech
- theatre
- Theatre Education
- Theatre History
- Time Management
- Timeline Management
- traditional medium
- Trainer of new employees
- training
- Union Labor Management
- Vendor Management
- Venue Mangement
- Video editing
- Video Production Coordination
- Visitor Engagement
- Visual Design across multiple formats and mediums
- Weight Training
- Word
- Wordpress
- Workplace flexibility
- Writing
- Writing Editing
- Written and Oral Communication
- Yamaha Sound Console
- Acting
- Action for the Climate Emergency
- African American Graphic Designers
- AIGA Atlanta
- Alpha Psi Omega
- American Association for Study Abroad Providers
- American Legion
- art education
- Broadway League
- College Art Association
- community arts
- Comparative Religion
- Costume Society of America
- Creative Conceptualizing
- Curator
- Dangerous Signs
- Development
- Directing
- diversity and inclusion
- Dramaturgs Network
- Equity
- Girl Scouts
- Global Literature in Libraries Initiative
- IO chicago
- large-scale public artworks
- Lawton Philharmonic
- Literary Hub
- Mercury Musical Developments
- Milwaukee Athletic Club
- Mysticism
- National Association of Music Merchants
- Off Broadway Alliance
- Off Broadway Leauge
- Oklahoma City Philharmonic
- partnerships
- Percussive Arts Society
- Phi Theta Kappa
- Philosophy
- problem-solving
- Psychoanalysis
- RIT Performing Arts
- Southeast College Art Association
- Southwestern Oklahoma State University
- Stage Manager's Association
- SVA Alumni
- Team Management
- Texas Teacher Certification
- The Futur Pro Group
- The Second City
- Time Management
- Tulsa Symphony
Resume Specialties
Acting Art art education Artistic Director artist management Attention to Detail communication Communications content creation Creativity Curator Curriculum development Customer Service design Design thinking Development Digital Marketing Directing editing Event Planning graphic design improvisation independent work Leadership management marketing Organization painting Photography Photoshop problem-solving Production Management Program Development project management public art Public relations Public Speaking Research social media Teaching team leader Team Management teamwork Time Management WritingFree Resume posting!
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