Arts Professional

Resume posted by emmacpowell in Arts and Culture.

Desired position type: Any
Location: Colorado United States

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The central focus of my career is photography and digital design. As an educator, curator, and photographer, I have continued to develop my skills in both image-making and editing. I have a trained eye for color and composition, as well as in-depth knowledge of Adobe Photoshop, Camera Raw, and Lightroom. I have working experience with Adobe InDesign and Illustrator. I am eager to put my skills to use. I am searching for a productive team environment where I can work towards concrete goals.


BA Studio Art – The College of Wooster

MFA Photography – Rochester Institute of Technology


I am an arts professional with over a decade of experience, and throughout my career I have pursued opportunities to expand and share my knowledge of art. After teaching at the college level for over 10 years, I am intentionally making a career pivot, by looking for opportunities to utilize my technical and administrative skills as a member of a business or arts organization team.


  • Adobe Creative Suite
  • Photoshop
  • InDesign
  • PowerPoint
  • Microsoft Office
  • Art Handling
  • Photographic Materials
  • Fine Art Printing


    Creative Problem Solving, Photographic Editing, Photography, Program Development, Promotional Materials


Free Resume Listing #75558

Arts Professional Resume

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