Emma Cookson Arts & Culture Professional

Resume posted by EmmaCookson in Arts and Culture.

Desired position type: Any
Location: New York New York, United States

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Arts & culture professional with demonstrable experience in local government developing & leading cultural services to improve access & engagement, health & wellbeing & capacity building in local communities.


ILM Diploma (Level 5) for Leaders & Managers: Distinction
2018 –2020

BA First Class (Hons) Drama with English, Loughborough University
2003 – 2006


London Borough Richmond upon Thames

Arts Service Manager
June 2019 – Feb 2020

Responsible for the strategic direction & management of a dynamic outer London borough arts service with 3 public gallery spaces, a varied programme of arts engagement & participation activity,18 FTE staff members & a £600k annual budget.
Achievements include leading a service re-design & staffing restructure & building relationships with key stakeholders & partners, including leadership & governance of the West London Museums Group; Richmond’s Arts Advisory forum & advising Councillors & senior management.

Arts Festivals Manager
Oct 2012 – June 2019

Developed and delivered a portfolio of high-quality arts programmes with a focus on diversifying & developing artists & audiences to improve access & engagement. Arts Professional article
Achievements include leadership of the popular Richmond Lit Fest; co-developing & managing the £1.2 million Consortium led The Streets / Discover Your High Street  programme & securing & managing income from major UK funding bodies including Arts Council England & National Heritage Lottery Fund.

Arts Events & Development Assistant
Jan 2012 – Oct 2012

Supporting the development, programming, marketing and delivery of a diverse range of arts programmes for the borough, including dance, outdoor arts & music events.

British Council

Edinburgh Showcase Project Manager
Feb 2011 – Jan 2012

Managing the British Council’s prestigious showcase of UK theatre and dance (2011).
Responsibilities include coordinating 250+ international delegates and over 50 UK artists and companies, maintaining relationships with key stakeholders and external partners and organizing logistics.

Drama & Dance Project Assistant
March 2008 – Feb 2011
Management and administration of performing arts projects & international theatre & dance tours, with colleagues in North America & Canada; Australia & New Zealand; South East Europe and East Asia in line with the British Council’s cultural programme. Responsibilities include handling partnerships & sponsorship arrangements, liaising with regional partners, promoters and global colleagues & developing and sustaining relationships with the British performing arts constituency.


  • Leading creative teams
  • Strategic planning
  • Organization developmen
  • Change management
  • Public arts programming & commissioning
  • Audience & artist development
  • Partnership & consortium working
  • Stakeholder management
  • Fundraising
  • Grant applications & bid writing
  • Financial management
  • Highly efficient and organized


Free Resume Listing #56691

Emma Cookson Arts & Culture Professional Resume

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