Creative Producer

Resume posted by JessHollen in Theatre.
Desired salary: $70,000.00
Desired position type: Full-Time/ Part-Time/ Contract
Location: Fort Lauderdale Florida, United States

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Currently working as a contracted campaign manager & creative services director. Clients include a Lifestyle Architect, Indie Author, Music Recording Studio, & Drone Company.

Most recently a Senior Coordinating Producer for two globally syndicated television series with CEO host Kathy Ireland: MODERN LIVING with KATHY IRELAND & WORLDWIDE BUSINESS with KATHY IRELAND; which air on the Women’sEntertainment Network (WEtv), the Fox Business Network (FBN) and Bloomberg Television. Producing story lines on current lifestyle trends, innovations in health & medicine, eco-friendly beauty, luxury fashion, arts & design, consumer technologies, big data, urban sustainability, next-generation biotech and renewable energy.

Prior work includes 20+ years of nationwide experience as a Scenic Artist with screen credits in television & film production, professional theater, commercials, museum exhibits & theme parks, hospitality decor, interior design, various industry trade shows, and photo shoots; a card-carrying member of IATSE Local 477 (MIA) & Local 829 USA Scenic Artists (NYC). Also a graduate of the Trainer Forum program delivered by Trainer Designs Global; designing original experiential workshops leveraging accelerated learning technology & art therapy techniques.

A Creative Services specialist with experience spanning pre- through post-production roles within the entertainment industry – and also as an artist commissioned for video production, theatrical production design, custom fine surface treatments, branded content creation & experiential curriculum design; and being a brand ambassador & performance artist for live painting “sip-n-stroke” franchises.

Contracted for work shown at venues such as The Metropolitan Opera at Lincoln Center, Radio City Music Hall, Macy’s Herald Square NYC, Manhattan School of Music, NYU, Harvard’s Hasty Pudding Festival, Nickelodeon Studios, Disney MGM, Disney Cruise Lines, Boston Ballet, Coconut Grove Playhouse. Worked on scenic elements for television, film, commercial productions such as HBO’s Sex & The City, Angels in America, From The Earth to the Moon, and Riding In Cars With Boys, Speed 2; and brands like Burger King, Martha Stewart, Conseco Life Insurance, Paine Webber, Visa, Kodak, Oneida & Old Navy.

It is my desire to use my artistic, intuitive skills serving & inspiring others to express themselves in a courageous, transparent, authentic way that creates a lively, loving world.


MIAMI AD SCHOOL / Art Direction Portfolio Program

MIAMI DADE COLLEGE / Radio & TV Broadcasting

COBALT STUDIOS FOR SCENIC ART / Journeyman Scenic Artist Portfolio Program

BROWARD COLLEGE / Technical Theatre – Theatre Design & Technology


Developing brand identity, positioning, style guides & creative briefs
Conceptualizing & developing content marketing strategy
Creating branded content, SEO optimized copy, designing visual assets
Presentation, pitch deck & workshop design
Video production

THE VAGINA MONOLOGUES Independent Theatrical Presentation (2016)
An award-winning episodic play written by Eve Ensler, exploring sexual experiences & other universal topics through the eyes of women with various ages, races, sexualities, and other differences

GODDESS ART PARTIES Experiential Art Events (2015)
Experiential creativity workshops using the “Hero’s Journey” as a metaphor
Transformational learning technology delivered as an art therapy modality.
Experiences designed for women to re-invent self love, restore self-esteem, reclaim pleasure and re-boot resilience; intended to facilitate breakthroughs for women in confidence and charisma

THE GODDESS INITIATIVE Women’s Empowerment Events (2008-2010)
Artistic & transformational program in the form of art therapy & party games. A spiritually inspired seasonal party series, experientially designed to honor our inborn vitality, resilience & creativity

Secured venue * Production & Sound design
Fabricated & installed event scenery, including red carpet entry
Organized support volunteers & vendors
Outsourced a curated art show, show program design, tech support
Sold ad space in programs * Hired live talent & photographers
Cast & Directed performances
Researched & created project briefs
Designed experiential rehearsals & event modules
Designed & created all promotional digital assets
Deployed email & social media campaigns
Produced sizzle videos | developed concept, secured locations, photographer & stylist,
directed talent, edited footage into finished product & commissioned theme song
Filmed all performances & events
Fundraised for two charities



Worldwide Business with kathy ireland®

Senior Coordinating Producer for two globally syndicated television series with CEO host, Kathy Ireland – Worldwide Business with Kathy Ireland & Modern Living with Kathy Ireland

A weekly business series airing on both the Fox Business Network (FBN) and Bloomberg International – promoting innovations in architecture & design, urban sustainability, renewable energy, next-generation biotechnologies, big data, AR & VR

A contemporary lifestyle series seen weekly on the Women’s Entertainment Network (WeTV) and Bloomberg International – focusing on current home entertainment & outdoor living trends, innovative consumer technologies, fashion-forward beauty, eco-friendly health & wellness, and arts & design.

Creating story lines
B2B communications
Industry research
Qualifying industry executives
Marketing & branding packages for television and social media
Coordinating campaigns with creative departments leading story treatments


  • proven leadership & team building
  • keen eye for effective marketing collateral
  • Raising brand awareness
  • Proficiency in many online marketing tools
  • Proficiency in many design tools
  • Ability to consolidate information into precise communication tools
  • Experiential curriculum design
  • Systems & process development


    Presentation Design, Public Speaking


Free Resume Listing #59659

Creative Producer Resume

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