Non profit jobs in arts and culture

Nonprofit arts jobs

● nonprofit ● non-profit ● not-for-profit


Non-profit jobs

Non-profit jobs refer to positions within organizations that are not focused on generating profits, but rather on achieving a specific mission or goal. These organizations may include charities, foundations, advocacy groups, and other types of social impact organizations. Examples of non-profit jobs include positions in development, grant writing, program management, marketing, and more. Non-profit organizations often have a specific social or environmental mission and are typically tax-exempt. They may rely on donations, grants, and government funding to support their operations and programs.

Non-profit jobs in arts and culture


Nonprofit jobs in Arts and Culture

Non-profit jobs in the arts and culture sector include positions in museums, galleries, orchestras, theaters, art centers, and other cultural organizations.


Some of specific job titles within this nonprofit sector:



  • Curator is responsible for the care and management of a collection of art or artifacts, and may also be responsible for planning and organizing exhibitions.

Development Director

  • Development Director is responsible for fundraising and donor relations for an organization

Education Coordinator

  • Education Coordinator is responsible for creating and implementing educational programs, such as tours, lectures, and workshops, for visitors to a museum or other cultural institution.

Marketing and Communications Manager

  • Marketing and Communications Manager is responsible for promoting and publicizing an organization’s events and programs.

Operations Manager

  • Operations Manager is responsible for the day-to-day management of an organization, including budgeting, staffing, and facilities management.

Program Manager

  • Program Manager is responsible for overseeing the planning and execution of specific programs or events, such as concerts or theater performances.


  • Registrar is responsible for managing the administrative aspects of a collection, including acquisitions, loans, and rights and reproductions.

Volunteer Coordinator

  • Volunteer Coordinator is responsible for recruiting, training, and supervising volunteers who assist with an organization’s programs and events.


In the non-profit arts and culture sector can be found many types of jobs. There may be many other positions and roles that may exist depending on the size and focus of the organization.

➤ Non-profit jobs in arts culture and education


Non-profit Employers

Not-for-profit employers are organizations that work for the benefit of society, rather than for profit.


Non-profit employers include:

  • Charities and non-governmental organizations (NGOs):
    These organizations work on issues such as poverty, disease, education, human rights, and environmental conservation. Examples include Oxfam, World Vision, and Amnesty International.
  • Foundations:
    Foundations provide funding for research, education, and other initiatives in a specific field or area. Two such examples are the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Rockefeller Foundation.
  • Advocacy groups:
    Advocacy groups organizations work to influence public policy and raise awareness on specific issues. The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and the Sierra Club are examples.
  • Religious organizations:
    Religious organizations operate churches, synagogues, mosques and other religious institutions. E.g. the Catholic Church and the Salvation Army.
  • Professional associations:
    Professional associations organizations serve specific professions, such as the American Medical Association (AMA) and the American Bar Association (ABA).
  • Arts and cultural organizations:
    Arts and cultural organizations promote and support the arts and culture, such as museums, orchestras, and theaters. E.g. The Smithsonian and the Metropolitan Museum of Art



Non-profit employers can be found in various sectors and locations, from small local organizations to large international ones, working on various causes, with different funding sources and sometimes having different legal statuses.


Nonprofit vs. Non-profit vs. Not-for-Profit

The terms “nonprofit,” “non-profit,” and “not-for-profit” are often used interchangeably, but they do have slightly different meanings.

  • Nonprofit organization is one that is organized for a public or mutual benefit, rather than for the benefit of private individuals.
    Nonprofits are typically tax-exempt and may rely on donations, grants, and government funding to support their operations and programs.
    Nonprofits may have employees who are paid, but their paychecks do not come through fundraising; not-for-profits are run by volunteers.
  • Non-profit is similar to “nonprofit” in that it means an organization that does not operate for the purpose of making a profit.
  • Not-for-profit is similar to the above terms, referring to an organization that does not exist to generate a profit for its owners or shareholders.
    Not-for-profits are considered “recreational organizations” that do not operate with the business goal of earning revenue.

Nonprofits are granted 501(c)(3) status by the IRS. NFPOs are also governed by IRS tax code section 501(c), but depending on their purpose they could fall under a different section, like section 501(c)(7).

In general, all three terms are used to describe organizations that do not have the primary goal of making a profit, and instead focus on achieving a specific mission or goal such as social, cultural, educational or charity related. They can be found in various sectors and locations, from small local organizations to large international ones, working on various causes, with different funding sources and sometimes having different legal statuses.


Search and find jobs in non-profit organizations


The Profound Impact of Careers in Arts and Culture on Societal Development

The realms of arts and culture stand as pillars of societal development, shaping the collective identity and fostering a rich tapestry of human experience. Working in the field of arts and culture is not merely a career choice; it is a transformative endeavor that contributes significantly to the advancement of society. In this article, we delve into the profound impact of careers in arts and culture on societal development and explore why pursuing education in this field can be both fulfilling and essential.. [read more]


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