16 May 2024


Business Manager

The Drift  →   New York, NY


Job Description

The Drift is hiring!

We’re seeking a business manager to help us oversee and grow the magazine. So far, our editorial team has been handling our finances — we think that the right business manager can help us expand our subscriber base, diversify our revenue streams, and enable us to keep doing what we do for many years to come.

The role is somewhat flexible, and we’re open to considering candidates who prefer part-time or full-time work.
The ideal candidate will be able to help us manage our finances and taxes, as well as conduct outreach to bookstores and advertisers and work with our team to identify grant opportunities and complete grant applications.
Responsibilities will in part depend on the availability and experience of the hire.


  • Preparing The Drift’s budget, keeping track of revenue and expenses, and identifying opportunities for growth and savings
  • Coordinating with our external bookkeeper and accountant to prepare accurate tax forms and information required for independent audits
  • Soliciting advertisements
  • Managing circulation through bookstore and distributor outreach
  • Processing payments to contributors and staff
  • Identifying potential grant opportunities, and helping to write and compile budgetary documents for grants
  • Assisting with fundraising events
  • Designing marketing campaigns to expand our reach

Additional Responsibilities (depending on the interests of the hire):

  • Helping plan and execute issue launch parties, including venue coordination and publicity
  • Designing and ordering merch
  • Conducting social media campaigns


  • Experience with the finances of magazines, ideally, but we’re open to considering candidates with a nonprofit finance background more broadly (including familiarity with IRS Form 990)
  • Ability to create budgets and handle independent audits in collaboration with our accountants
  • Familiarity with QuickBooks
  • Knowledge of The Drift sufficient to represent us accurately in grant applications and to bookstores and advertisers
  • Eagerness to work closely with a small team
  • Creative thinking, and willingness to execute new strategies for growth Salary will range from $30k-60k, depending on time commitment and experience. Applicants should be based in New York City, though this position will be largely remote, with most meetings over Zoom.

Interested candidates should send a resume, cover letter, and the names and contact information for two references to jobs@thedriftmag.com.

Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled.

The Drift is committed to a diverse workplace and is an equal-opportunity employer. We will not discriminate against any employee or applicant on the basis of age, color, disability, gender, national origin, race, religion, sexual orientation, or veteran status.


Full-Time Job in Arts and Culture:
Business Manager
The Drift
 New York, NY

Job Categories: Arts and Culture. Job Types: Full-Time. Job Tags: manager and media. States: New York.