Job Posting Plans 2024

Job posting in the United States
Premium job board for employers in the United States and Canada

Employers can post a jobs in following categories:
Arts and Culture, Education, Museum and Gallery, Theatre, Music, Library, Call for Artists! and Other.

If you are looking for serious job candidates in arts fields, ART JOBS is the right place to submit your job openings.

List of current job posting packages

Job Posting Plans 2024 Price Relisting
1 job / 15 days $39 $37
1 job / 30 days $49 $39
1 job / 60 days $74 $59
1 job / 90 days $99 $78
Up to 30 jobs in 3 months $490 $390
Up to 60 jobs in 6 months $790 $690
Unlimited Job Posting!
Unlimited jobs / one year period
 $2990  $2790
Calls for Artists! 1 post / 30 days
Open Calls, opportunities for artists, juried exhibitions, public commissions and residencies, festival opportunities and art competitions..
$49 $37
  • We do not accept postings for uncompensated internship jobs. 
  • All sales are final. Postings removed prior to their expiration date will not be refunded.


