Featured Jobs
- Type
- Full-Time
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- Job
Marketing Manager
La Jolla Playhouse
- Location
- San DiegoCalifornia, United States
- Type
- Full-Time
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- Job
Development Director
Crafting the Future
- Location
- Los AngelesCalifornia, United States
- Type
- Full-Time
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- Job
Instructor, Technical Design
University of South Carolina
- Location
- ColumbiaSouth Carolina, United States
- Type
- Full-Time
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- Job
- Marketing Manager La Jolla Playhouse
- Location
- San DiegoCalifornia, United States
- Type
- Full-Time
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- Job
- Development Director Crafting the Future
- Location
- Los AngelesCalifornia, United States
- Type
- Full-Time
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- Job
- Instructor, Technical Design University of South Carolina
- Location
- ColumbiaSouth Carolina, United States
Jobs in Illinois
- Type
- Part-Time
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- Job
- Illinois Art Station Part-Time Art Educator Town of Normal
- Location
- NormalIllinois, United States
- Job Description
Part-Time job in Arts and Culture
This regular part-time position is responsible for planning and implementing hands-on workshops for IAS patrons. Programming is largely geared toward children (i.e. individuals under twenty years of age) and their families. Under the general direction of the Education Coordinator, an Art Educator uses knowledge in art education and studio art, along with skills obtained through […]
- Type
- Full-Time
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- Job
- Illinois Art Station Education Coordinator Town of Normal
- Location
- NormalIllinois, United States
- Job Description
Full-Time job in Arts and Culture
This is a highly visible position responsible for developing, implementing, delivering and coordinating various Illinois Art Station (IAS) educational visual arts classes and programs to the public, community groups, and area art institutions. This position is responsible for managing programming staff and volunteer education assistants. Work is performed under the general supervision of the IAS […]
- Type
- Full-Time
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- Job
- Illinois Art Station Manager Town of Normal
- Location
- NormalIllinois, United States
- Job Description
Full-Time job in Arts and Culture
This is a highly responsible professional position in the Cultural Arts Department. This position is responsible for the supervision of the Illinois Art Station (IAS), including actively engaging in art programs and/or managing art programs and public arts projects; fundraising and grant writing; providing financial and personnel oversight; and building community presence and partnerships. Extensive […]
- Type
- Full-Time
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- Job
- Registrar, Exhibitions and Collections University of Chicago
- Location
- ChicagoIllinois, United States
- Job Description
Full-Time job in Museum and Gallery
Department AI Collections, Exhibitions, and Publications About the Department As the fine arts museum of the University of Chicago, the Smart Museum of Art is a site for rigorous inquiry and exchange that encourages the examination of complex issues through the lens of art objects and artistic practice. Through strong scholarly and community collaborations and […]